These Streets Magazine is launching their 5th issue on March 27th, 2020. With Los Angeles as the featured city, the magazine is coming back to home grounds. Each magazine issue highlights a group of photographers, carefully selected on the way they capture real-life. This release includes 8 photographers, many of whom have paved the way for photography in this city. The selected photographers are, Samanta Helou Hernandez, Dotan Saguy, Edwin Contreras, Eriberto Oriol, Estevan Oriol, Juan Carlos Lopez, Melanie Pullen, and Suzanne Stein. Also highlighted in the issue is the up and coming Neighbors Skate Shop, and a recap on a project that These Streets produced for United Way’s “Everyone In” campaign.
Alongside the magazine launch, there will be a gallery exhibit to showcase work from each feature in the magazine. The gallery exhibit will take place on March 27th at 609 S. Anderson Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90023 from 6PM -10PM. Music by 6amlosangeles
(Due to the coronavirus pandemic all TSM Events/Grand Opening has been put to a halt until further notice.)